Thursday, September 10, 2009

trumpet fingers.

so i figured out why i'll never make it as a musician
[besides the whole tone-deaf thing
or complete lack of rhythm
or the drastic inclination towards only happy jaunty tunes].
it's because my hands can't (or at least won't) do two different things at once,
like, say, play three keys with the left while the right diddles away at single notes,
or switch chords while strumming or picking.
this is why i can play the trumpet or the harmonica
or anything where only one hand does the work while my mouth makes the noise
but i can't play the piano or the gitfiddle
or anything where both hands are required to work together to make noise that makes sense.
& when it came time to play the trumpet & walk at the same time,
i dropped out of band.
my appendages are only children who refuse to cooperate with each other.

today i showed up to work at 5 am
so that jeff & i could get some work done before co-worker dysfunction distraction arrived.
jeff didn't show up until 7:15
so i slept on the couch
on the clock, of course.
went to lunch with my mother who still loves me.
came home to an empty house & half a bottle of cold white wine,
played the keyboard for a little bit,
had the aforementioned revelation,
then updated my blog about it.

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