Tuesday, September 8, 2009

i'm sick, you're tired.

there is this weight on my shoulders
& it is crowding into my heart.
i'm not sure what it's made of but it's making waking up very hard.

returned from back east last sunday,
stayed for a week until courtney got married.
cut off all ties with crazy russell,
made stronger ones with good russell.

i missed the rainstorm here, in arizona.

new house still needs some love & furniture.
lukewarm showers, dusty floors.
(motivation motivation motivation motivation.)

financial difficulties will pass,
or stop mattering at a certain point.
it's funny how easily i forgot poverty,
baltimore, then denver.
empty pockets full of stubborn love,
holes in our shoes. we stumbled smiling towards a quiet destruction.

covered in bug bites with a hacking cough
a 22 of shitty beer & half a pack of smokes.
love me, love me, love me!

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