Tuesday, September 15, 2009

scabs, bruises.

why don't i feel the same drive to shower as every other human?
i just hate making time for it.
even if i'm filthy & there's really nothing else i need to be doing.
i prefer to swim. chlorine is the soap that matters.
swimming is really important to me. not in an exercise-y way, obviously,
since all i really do is float around & do handstands & stuff.
you hear about crippled kids feeling "free" or "normal" or something when they're in a pool.
i feel the same way. maybe i'm a crippled kid. or a mermaid.

having t-sauce work at acme is working out nicely.

i had a revelation about the nature of my relationships,
involving my need to be loved & filling that need through several negative behaviors that ultimately end in my being their mothers.
which is bad.
i'm working on it, aiight?

i think the point is,
i'm a stinky crippled needy kid.

celebrity pop culture is meaningless to me.

i'm a stinky crippled needy boy kid.

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