Sunday, August 2, 2009

the music that my lover's body makes.

tummy rumbles on a hard mattress.
ear to chest! hand to thigh! 

i go out too much for a girl with a cold. sniffle sniffle.
called out sick to the job i still have  
& helped ryan get new tires. 
dressed up like a jock for halloween in july, 
he was a dapper old gent with a girl in a football jersey on his arm. 
it worked out nicely. 
swam, slept, sonic cherry limeade.
played with jason & evey 
& ate at souper salad for the first time.
brought croissants to a birthday party super show, 
forced a fever out of my pores
in the middle of a living room dance floor. 
softly sweetly slept with a scratch in my throat 
& a poundin in my heart. 
lunch with family. full of snot. time for bed.

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