Thursday, July 30, 2009

effort to make an effort. 

i might not have a job tomorrow. 
i fucked up today,
by forgetting to pay a bill.
it was an honest act of pure, virginal, un-malicious 
straight up
i haven't made such mistakes in my year of employment there.
my neurotic boss was
about it.
to the point where i wouldn't be surprised if he pulls some passive-aggressive "i'm gonna fire you so that you learn a lesson and come back" move tomorrow,
to the point where i don't care & am completely ready to offer my resignation tomorrow.
self-righteous erin says i've been holding that place together for months & months, that boss should learn how to run a fucking business.

whatever. i'm already over it.

i printed posters for Bananafest & 
ryan & andrew & lover came to get them & me. 
sweet but poorly-attended house show featuring Too Much Birthday (the reunion), Realicide (the touring guy) & Treasure Mammal (the acclaimed local). 
miscommunication about sleeping situations equals ride home from new girlfriend georgia who wants my ID to go to florida with. cuz she's a young baby. 

the beauty is there. i've become so dependent on non-existent camera to show it. 
i'm working on it, aiiight?

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