Monday, July 27, 2009

so i just realized that i don't like crime drama tv shows anymore.
there're worse things, i suppose.

i used to be able to blog,
when i was younger. 
(PROOF: one &/or two.)
i guess the best way is just to start, to pretend i have an audience 
that exists & cares about the things i have to say.

tonight, i went to a bitchin house show in tempe. 
i really like the boy that i like right now.
my car was impounded last weekend.
next month i'm flying back east to play maid of honor in my best friend's shotgun wedding.
i work at a screenprinting shop doing everything that isn't printing shirts. 
i have a best friend here, in arizona, his name is jason kron. 
we're looking for a house in central phoenix that is both 
& kid friendly. 

more later, 
unless there's not.

(i should really tell emily roberts i have a blog, because she'll read it, & if she's reading it, i'll write in it all the time.)

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