Wednesday, December 16, 2009

So I watched "Adaptation" for the first time
last night, with Jason & Tristan
& I really, really liked it.

I'm working on a big drawing of an elephant for Courtney's baby's room.
Slowly, surely, etc.


That's about it.

If I write something in here everyday, maybe I'll remember how to write.
Or at least how to blog.
I've forgotten both.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

the good news is that tristan is
singing a song about peacocks that he wrote
to me on my bed
right now.
my thanksgiving was fine, thanks for asking.
tristan is back & i'm really stoked about it.
halloween was cool, too, i guess.

i tried to put my two weeks in at acme
but failed miserably.

i'm making christmas cards for everyone/thing
& i like doing it
but it's kind of stressful.

this is always a bad time of year
for me.
it's especially hard this year.

i still can't believe that my sister is dead.